San Blas Beach: The Ultimate Guide to Gozo’s Secluded Shore

San Blas Beach

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San Blas Beach is a slice of untouched beauty in Gozo. If you’re into serene beach days, this beach is for you. This blog post will give you San Blas Beach’s highlights, how to reach it, nearby attractions, and essential tips for a relaxing beach day.

San Blas is one of Gozo’s secret beaches. For those eager to explore more hidden gems like San Blas, check out this comprehensive guide.

My Top Reasons to Visit San Blas Beach

Here’s why San Blas Beach should be on your list:

A hidden gem: San Blas is a secluded paradise far from the crowds.

Reddish sand: The beach offers a distinctive reddish sand like Ramla Beach.

Crystal clear waters: Clear waters are suitable for swimming or snorkelling.

San Blas Beach - Clear Waters
Clear Waters

Nature’s touch: The beach is framed by boulders and raw nature, giving it a rustic, untouched charm.

An adventurous journey: Getting to the beach is an adventure in itself. Yes, the path is steep. But San Blas’ beauty makes every step worth it.

A different view: The journey to San Blas offers breathtaking views, especially from the top. Don’t forget your camera!

Potential Drawbacks

San Blas Beach, with its unique charm, also comes with challenges. Here’s what you might want to consider before planning your visit:

Limited vehicle access: The steepness of the path means regular cars can’t descend. While 4x4s are okay, most visitors walk down. However, during the summer, you can hitch a ride for a few euros.

Steep descent and ascent: The walk to the beach is a test of endurance. It takes around 20 minutes to navigate the steep path down. The climb back up, especially in the scorching sun, can be taxing.

San Blas Beach - The Road to the Beach
The Road to the Beach

Shrinking sands: Once expansive, storms have eroded San Blas’ sandy shoreline. The beach has shrunk considerably, so if you arrive late, you might find no place to lie down.

Swimming concerns: On windy days, waves can engulf the small beach, making swimming hazardous.

Rocky entry: While entering the water, you’ll tread on rocks before reaching the sandy bottom. It might be inconvenient for some.

Not family-friendly: The combination of a rocky shore and a challenging path down makes San Blas less suitable for families with young children.

Crowded by chairs: Prime spots on the beach are often claimed by deck chair vendors, limiting space for those who prefer lying on the sand.

Seaweed on the shoreline: After storms, the beach may be covered with seaweed. Given its less popular status, San Blas isn’t cleaned as frequently as other beaches.

While these drawbacks exist, many still find San Blas’ unique charm worth visiting. As with any destination, knowing what to expect ensures a better experience.

San Blas Beach - Reddish Sand
Reddish Sand

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How to Reach San Blas Beach

By Bus: Public transport can get you to San Blas Beach, but patience is key. Buses run infrequently, every 1.5 hours.

Exploring Malta’s hidden gems like San Blas Beach is not easy using public transport. If you plan to spend a week or more in Malta, consider renting a car. It will be more convenient. For a range of options and competitive prices, check out Discover Cars.

By Car: Drive to the midway car park, but space is limited. It can fit just a few cars. A top tip? Park at the top of the hill and begin the walk there.

Once you get to the start of the walk down, there is the option to get into a Jeep. It’s a popular choice for uphill returns. 

If you walk, the beach descent gives you beautiful views, though the path is steep. While I often tackle it in flip-flops, taking it slow is key.

Getting There:

  • Location: link to Google Maps
  • Nearest bus stop: Weraq
  • Walking distance from the bus stop: 20 minutes away from the beach
  • Bus frequency: Every one and a half hours
  • Parking available: A tiny car park mid-way to the beach is here but I recommend parking here (plenty of space).

Nearby Attractions

Here are some attractions near San Blas Beach:

Sopu Tower: A historical tower offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It’s worth it if you are interested in history enthusiasts or looking to capture some scenic shots.

Mekrens Bakery or Maxxok Bakery: Both bakeries are renowned for their traditional Gozitan ftira, a must-try local delicacy. Thinking about lunch? Grab a ftira and head to the top of San Blas Bay. There, you’ll find benches perfectly positioned for a meal with a view. Interestingly, these two bakeries have a friendly rivalry, with locals often favouring one over the other. While both are excellent, Mekrens Bakery is conveniently located on the way to San Blas Beach, making it a popular choice for beachgoers.

San Blas Beach - Ftira from Mekrens Bakery
Ftira from Mekrens Bakery

Nadur Town: Located in the eastern part of Gozo, Nadur is one of the island’s largest localities. Known as the ‘second city’, it sprawls along a high ridge east of Victoria. The name ‘Nadur’ is derived from the Arabic word ‘nadara’, meaning ‘lookout’. The town’s church, dedicated to St. Peter and St. Paul, is a marvel of architecture and painting, making it a focal point in its centre.

Tips for a Relaxing Beach Day at San Blas Beach

Come prepared: While San Blas Beach boasts a quaint bar for drinks and light snacks, it’s still remote. Pack water, snacks, and other essentials. Remember, aside from movable toilets, there aren’t any other amenities.

Prioritise safety: The waters can turn turbulent, particularly on windy days. Exercise caution when swimming.

Cherish the environment: San Blas Beach is a natural treasure. Let’s maintain its beauty by keeping it clean.

San Blas Beach - The Views on the Way
The Views on the Way

San Blas Beach is undoubtedly a gem in Gozo. Its untouched beauty, combined with the rustic charm of its surroundings, makes it a must-visit for anyone looking to experience the authentic side of Gozo.

While the journey to the beach might be challenging, the rewards are well worth the effort. The serene ambience, the unique reddish sands, and the crystal-clear waters make it a perfect spot for relaxation.

Love coastal walks? My Gozo hiking trails guide awaits. Beach enthusiasts should head to Hondoq Bay or Ramla Beach. Dive into the mysteries of the Inland Sea or enjoy the coastal vibes of Xlendi. For peace and quiet, Mgarr Ix-Xini is the spot. Nature lovers will cherish guides on Wied il-Ghasri Beach, Gozo Salt Pans, and Dwejra Bay. And for a full Gozo immersion, my comprehensive guide has you covered. Happy exploring!

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