The Ultimate Guide to Wied il-Għasri Beach in Gozo

Wied il-Ghasri Beach

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Wied il-Għasri is a picturesque valley in Gozo surrounded by limestone cliffs. It resembles a canyon and stretches 300 meters inland to a tiny pebble beach. Nothing is better than swimming along cliffs, snorkelling, or just enjoying the scenery at this beach.

I live in Malta and often visit Gozo. I enjoy learning about its history, hiking, and nature and I am excited to share the best of Gozo with you.

What’s in this guide? I’ll tell you why Wied il-Għasri is one of the must-see places in Malta and Gozo. I will share how to get there, what to pack, and other nearby attractions to enhance your Gozo trip.

Where is Wied il-Għasri Beach?

Wied il-Għasri Valley is on the north coast of Gozo, the second-largest island in the Maltese archipelago. The valley is just over 1 kilometre from Zebbug and 3 kilometres from Marsalforn.

Wied il-Ghasri from the Top
Gozo Wied il-Għasri Valley from the Top

My Top Reasons to Visit Wied il-Għasri Valley

Wied il-Għasri Beach is unsuitable for spending a day there since it’s tiny and has no toilets or food or drink shops.

Also, the beach is pebbled, so lying down and sunbathing is uncomfortable. However, it’s a must-see attraction in Gozo. Spend a few hours exploring it – highly recommended!

Here are some reasons why I think it’s worth a visit:

  • The site is beautiful – it resembles a small canyon with cliffs on either side. The view from above is breathtaking, but swimming or snorkelling along the walls into the open sea is also incredibly fun.

  • You can explore caves and see marine life. There is a big cave at the sea opening where people scuba dive.

  • If you sit on the pebble beach or swim in the crystal-clear waters, you can hear the waves crashing against the cliffs creating a soothing and relaxing atmosphere.

  • The location is off the beaten path – Wied il-Għasri Beach is less crowded, especially in the mornings and evenings.

  • In the afternoons, the rocks provide shade – a great place to escape the heat.

Wied il-Ghasri - Pebbles and Clear Waters
Pebbles and Clear Waters at the Wied il-Għasri Beach

How to Get There?

The Wied il-Għasri Valley is remote, so getting to it can be challenging especially if you are without a car.

If you come by car, you should follow a narrow road along the salt pans to reach the site. There are several parking spots along the route. There is also a small parking area, but you must pass a bumpy unpaved road to get there.

To fully explore Gozo attractions, consider renting a car. This allows you to uncover its hidden treasures at your own speed. For budget-friendly options, try Discover Cars. I would recommend renting a car right from the airport and using it for the duration of your trip.

Getting to Għasri Valley by public transport is difficult because no bus stop is nearby. The closest one is in Zebbug, 15-20 minutes away.

You can also take a bus to Xwejni and hike for 35-40 minutes along the salt pans. This picturesque hike through salt pans is definitely worth it. Follow this guide.  This picturesque hike through salt pans is definitely worth it.

Getting There:

  • Location: link to Google Maps
  • Nearest bus stop: Onici (Zebbug)Xwejni
  • Walking distance from the bus stop: 1,20 km from Onici (Zebbug) and 2,60 km from Xwejni 
  • Frequency of the buses: every hour
  • Parking available: Parking along the road is here, and the parking area is here

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What to Bring to the Wied il-Għasri Beach

Due to Wied il-Għasri’s lack of facilities, coming prepared is essential. Here’s a list of what to bring:

  1. Sunscreen, a hat and sunglasses – it’s crucial to protect your skin from the sun during the summer, especially when the sun is at its most intense.
  2. Water and snacks – there are no shops nearby, so bring water and snacks.
  3. Beach towel or mat – since the beach is pebbled, you will need something to sit or lay on.
  4. Swimwear – you’ll want to dip into the crystal-clear waters.
  5. Snorkelling gear – bring your snorkel if you plan to explore underwater beauty, as there are no rental facilities.
  6. Aqua shoes or sandals – a beach with pebbles and rocky surfaces can be uncomfortable to walk on, so it’s best to wear shoes to protect your feet.
Wied il-Ghasri - Drone Shot
Wied il-Għasri Beach – Drone Shot
Best Place to Stay in Malta - Typical Bead & Breakfast in an Old House

Places to Stay in Gozo

Gizimina B&B by VeroSole: Traditional farmhouse with a pool in Xaghra with a home-like atmosphere. Book here.

Townhouse17 Boutique B&B: Located in Victoria, Gozo’s capital, this boutique hotel with stylish rooms and excellent dining in Victoria. Book here.

Kempinski Hotel San Lawrenz: A 5-star luxury experience with gardens, spa and multiple pools in San Lawrenz. Book here.

Nearby Attractions

You can combine your trip to Wied il-Għasri with other nearby attractions in Gozo. Here are a few suggestions:

Salt Pans are along the coast near Wied il-Għasri Beach. These ancient salt pans are a fascinating sight and a part of Gozo’s history.

Xwejni Bay is a picturesque bay with crystal-clear waters suitable for swimming and snorkelling. It’s also a starting point for a hike to Wied il-Għasri.

Marsalforn is a charming seaside resort town with various restaurants, bars, and shops.

Zebbug village is on top of a hill. It offers beautiful views of the countryside and the sea. This town has traditional stone houses and narrow streets.

Wied il Mielah is another beautiful valley near the village of Gharb. It features a picturesque natural arch and offers excellent views.

Wied il-Għasri: FAQ

What’s the best time to visit Wied il-Għasri for swimming and snorkelling?

Wied il-Għasri is stunning all year. But, the best months for swimming and snorkelling are late spring through early autumn, from May to October. It’s warm and the water is clear. The beach is small. It feels crowded even with a few visitors. But, mornings and weekday afternoons are quieter.

Is Wied il-Għasri suitable for families with children?

Yes, Wied il-Għasri is family-friendly. Shallow waters at the beach entrance let kids splash around safely. But, it’s a pebble beach. So, wear aqua shoes to protect little feet from the rocky bottom.

What are the safety considerations when swimming or snorkelling in Wied il-Għasri?

There are lifeguards on duty at Wied il-Għasri. So, it’s crucial not to go outside the bay. Waves there can be strong. Also, the water gets much deeper. Additionally, be mindful of jellyfish, especially during certain seasons. Here is my detailed guide on how to deal with jellyfish and other safety tips.

Are there any local dining options near Wied il-Għasri?

The nearest dining options are in Xwejni Bay. They are about 30-40 minutes away by foot or a quick 10-minute drive. Due to the distance, it’s best to bring your food and water to Wied il-Għasri. This is especially true if you plan to stay for several hours.

What footwear is best for the pebble beach at Wied il-Għasri?

Aqua shoes or sandals are the best choice for navigating the pebble beach and rocky areas around Wied il-Għasri. They protect against pebbles and rocks.

Can I rent snorkelling gear at Wied il-Għasri?

It’s best to bring your snorkelling gear as there are no rental facilities at Wied il-Għasri. Yet, you can purchase masks and fins at shops in Marsalforn, which is 15 15-minute drive away.

What should I do in case of an emergency while at Wied il-Għasri?

In case of an emergency, the general emergency number in Malta is 112. It connects you to needed services, like medical, fire, and police help.

I hope you found this guide helpful and will visit this gorgeous valley. Wied il-Għasri is a truly special and unique place. There’s nothing like swimming in the crystal clear waters of Wied il-Għasri Beach or enjoying the breathtaking beauty of this Gozo canyon.

If you like nature, check out my guides for other beachesMgarr ix-Xini, Hondoq Bay, Ramla, San Blas and hidden Gozo beaches. Also, check out my guides to hikes in Malta and Gozo.

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