St. Peter’s Pool: The Ultimate Guide for Travelers

St. Peter's Pool

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St. Peter’s Pool in Malta is all about clear water and cliffs. Imagine yourself on a cliff, ready to jump into the blue water. The thrill is real. This guide unpacks all you need to know about St. Peter’s Pool. I will share how to get there, safety tips and nearby attractions. Ready to explore? Dive in!

My Top Reasons to Visit St. Peter’s Pool

Clear waters: You’ll love the blue clear water at St. Peter’s Pool. Water is so clear that you easily see what’s beneath the surface. 

Natural wonder: St. Peter’s Pool is one of Malta’s natural treasures. The pool is surrounded by white limestone formations, creating a stark contrast with the blue waters. These rocks, shaped by time and the elements, add to the pool’s unique charm.

Jump in: The pool invites you for an adrenaline-pumping jump of 4-meter high cliffs. But if you’re not up for the high dive, there are also lower spots suitable for a fun splash.

Watch the fun: Even if you’re not jumping in, there’s plenty of entertainment on the sidelines. Enjoy watching people jump. It’s just as fun to watch the laughter, cheers, and occasional screams.

St. Peter's Pool - Jumping into the Pool
Jumping into the Pool

Why this Place Might Not Be Your Beach Day Dream?

While St. Peter’s Pool dazzles with its natural beauty, it’s not for everyone. Let’s dive into the details.

Can get crowded: St. Peter’s Pool is a big hit with the younger crowd. However, if you want some quiet time, you might find the place too noisy and packed. Plan your visit on weekday mornings and avoid weekends.

Not kid-friendly: The bay has a significant drop into the ocean, making it less suitable for young kids.

Hard to access: The path to the pool is rocky and slippery. It can be a challenge, especially for the very young or those over 60.

Natural, but risky: The surroundings are natural and untouched, which means there’s a risk of slipping on seaweed-covered rocks.

Not always clean: In summer the beach can be littered. Make sure you use bins and keep the area clean.

Lack of amenities: Don’t expect 5-star comfort. There are no shade, sunbeds, or facilities. However, there’s a van offering drinks and simple snacks for when you get hungry.

In essence, St. Peter’s Pool offers a raw, natural experience. It’s great for those seeking adventure and who don’t mind the lack of amenities. But if you’re looking for a comfortable, laid-back beach day, you might want to explore other options. See my guide to Malta beaches and find one you like.

St. Peter's Pool - Jumping From a 4-Meter Cliff
Jumping From a 4-Meter Cliff

How to Get to St. Peter’s Pool

On foot: You can walk to St. Peter’s Pool from Marsaxlokk village or take a scenic hike from St. Thomas Bay in Marsaskala. Tip: The Marsaskala route is most enjoyable in winter. Want details? Check out my hiking guide.

By bus: No direct bus routes here. The nearest stop is a 30-40 minute walk away. But remember, walking in the heat isn’t always fun.

By boat: In Marsaxlokk, you might get a nudge to hop on a colourful luzzu boat. Bargain a bit, and sail smoothly to St. Peter’s Pool. Or, level up with a private charter, exploring Hofriet Bay and Delimara too. Dive deeper with my Malta boat trip guide.

Hail a cab: Expect to pay 20-30 euros. Prices vary, so compare Bolt, eCabs, and Uber to get the cheapest deal.

Drive yourself: Walking and boating have their charm, but real freedom? Rent a car. Especially for off-grid spots like St. Peter’s. Check out my guide to renting a car in Malta.

Getting to St. Peter’s Pool by car is the best option. But here’s the catch: the roads are tight and tricky. They are so narrow that an incoming car won’t pass. If you’re an experienced driver and don’t mind some adventure, driving is the best option. 

There are two parking spots. The first one is free and less nerve-wracking, with only a short narrow stretch. The second one is private, costs 3 euros, and has a longer, narrower path (see location links below). My advice? Try the free spot first, and then use the private one if the free one’s full.

Getting There:

Staying Safe at St. Peter’s Pool

Beware of falling rocks: St. Peter’s Pool is a natural wonder, but it comes with its own risks. One of the primary concerns is the danger of falling rocks. The area has some warning signs and protective fencing. Yet, always be aware of your surroundings and avoid standing or sitting directly under cliff edges.

Jump with caution: Jumping into the pool can be exhilarating, but it’s crucial to prioritise safety. There have been unfortunate incidents where swimmers have been hospitalised due to reckless jumps. While there are warning signs, the thrill can overshadow caution.


  • Scout the area before jumping.
  • Avoid jumping from excessively high points.
  • Ensure the water below is clear of other swimmers.

Lifeguard alert: St. Peter’s Pool lacks lifeguards. This means you’re on your own if something happens. Always swim with a buddy and keep an eye on each other.

Weather watch: Bad weather can turn the serene pool into a dangerous spot. Rough seas can create waves that sweep you into the pool, making it challenging to climb out. It’s advisable to visit St. Peter’s Pool on sunny days when the sea is calm. Never go swimming if the sea is rough.

Drive with care: The road leading to St. Peter’s Pool is narrow, with sections where two cars can’t pass simultaneously.

Here’s how to navigate safely:

  • Drive slowly and be prepared to stop or reverse.
  • Use car horns to alert oncoming traffic, especially around blind curves.
  • Consider parking a bit further away and walking if the road seems too congested.

Slippery terrain: The pool path is rocky and slippery. When walking wear sturdy shoes with grip. Avoid flip-flops. Avoid rushing and take your time, especially on wet surfaces.

St. Peter's Pool - Cliff Diving
Cliff Diving

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Nearby Attractions

Marsaxlokk: This is a traditional fishing village known for its colourful boats, called luzzus, and its Sunday fish market. It’s an ideal place to enjoy fresh seafood at one of the many waterfront restaurants.

Delimara Peninsula: This area has rocky beaches, and it’s an ideal place for hiking and enjoying Malta’s coastline. Check out my hiking guide to the beautiful coastline between St. Thomas Bay and St. Peter’s Pool.

Xrobb l-Ghagin Nature Park: A local nature park that offers walking trails, beautiful sea views, and a chance to experience Malta’s natural flora and fauna. 

St. Peter's Pool - Luzzu Boat
Luzzu Boat

St. Peter’s Pool is just one of Malta’s many treasures. If you’ve enjoyed this post, there’s so much more to explore. Check out my other guides to Malta’s hidden gems, beaches and the best hikes in Malta in Gozo.

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